Abbey DLD Group of Colleges
The Abbey DLD Colleges Group is a group of independent sixth form colleges based in London, Manchester and Cambridge. Abbey Tutors in London was founded in 1985, followed by Abbey Tutorial Colleges which were established during the 1990s: Abbey College Manchester was founded in 1990, and Abbey College Cambridge in 1994. All Colleges are well-equipped and are close to transport links. At Abbey DLD you can study GCSE, A-LEVEL, and BTEC COURSES. Abbey DLD has been synonymous with high quality education, strong university destinations and enriching experiences. As an Abbey DLD student, you will leave college equipped with the skills and grades you need to progress in your career, having made friends and discoveries to remember for a lifetime. Abbey DLD has placed over 600 students at Russell Group universities, over 50 students at Oxbridge, with many more going to prominent Art, Music, Drama Colleges and prestigious international universities. Click on the link to view the coursers offered at Abbey DLD Group of Colleges https://www.abbeycolleges.co.uk/college-courses/